Before COP 15 # Essay That Bring Me To Copenhagen

One of my biggest resolution of this year is being youth delegate. Time goes so fast, until November, and I didn’t get any clue I can be youth delegate. I feel so desperate and just let go that resolution. Until.. I got one email from British Council, one email that can change anything..
Yeah…I have a chance to be youth delegate in COP15. I’m one of five people that have a chance to compete two seat to COP 15, and I win. Alhamdulillah..
Below is my essay that brings me to Copenhagen. I really hope that it will inspire all of you guys, Indonesian Youth people. I hope together we can do anything to make earth a comfort place to us. I also will write my Journey before, during, and after COP 15, to make us learn about learning process . Also to boost your spirit that there is nothing impossible in this world.

Power Can Change the World, Do You Believe it?

I believe that power can make someone change the world. The point that made me really believed it when I knew one PP (Peraturan pemerintah / Government regulations), PP No. 2/2008, contain of policy about forest rent to public society with very cheap price. I was angry and disappointed with this PP. In my opinion, the government made wrong policy that was really not environment-friendly, but I could not do anything to change this PP. I have another plan to encourage government and community to start KB (Keluarga Berencana / family planning) program again. I really want to develop awareness of the community that with arranged how many children they will have, they can help sick earth take a breath. But again.. I can’t do anything. I also wanted to discuss with government about town planning and makes them realize that Jakarta have too many mall by chopped down green forest that increasingly limited.
I want to do many things, but I realize, I just one dot, that possibly not considered the existence, not cared about the opinion. I just can write in my blog, signed the petition, or informed the other person of methods to take care of the environment. I know use two side of paper, reduce consumption of plastic, sorted trash, and one thousand other simple methods, can take part in rescuing the world. But it will be more effective if the policy that made by the government concern about safety and conservation of the environment. When factories reduced their carbon emissions or when the rate of the birth in one country could reduced by one government regulations, I think it really, and more, effective to reduce global warming and make earth more comfortable. It means that power must ‘speak’. Opportunity to speak with government can bring that dream into reality. And I am quite sure, going to COP15 is the best answer to reach that dream, at least for the moment. I really want to make better world, and I feel the ticket is in COP15.
I also had a dream to establish an organization, that could return what has humankind taken from earth, that organization consisted of young generation that cared and responsible to our environment. And I feel that going to Copenhagen is my ‘batu loncatan’ (springboard). So that my voice can be heard and I can change from ‘dot’ into ‘thick line’ that cut off the increasingly rising global warming at this time. Hopefully.

Premier Earth

Pada hari bumi tanggal 22 kemaren, gw nonton premiernya Earth di Blitz yang diselenggarain WWF..

Gw berangkat bareng Nacil dan Cathy, dan (untungnya) Cathy bawa mobil, jadi senanglah kita tidak usah memusingkan transport. Hehe..thanks,Cat.

Berangkatlah kita dengan semangat (gw sih tepatnya, gratisan gituuuuu)..

Yasudahlah, kita registrasi, eh..ternyata dapet kaos,bow..hihi..gak nyangka (norak gitu ya,gw?? =p). shock, ternyata filmnya mulai jam 19.15, yang mana tadinya gw kira mulai jam 6. Hwah..mau pulang jam berapa coba??

Yah, sudahlah setelah itu, sambil nunggu tu film, kita ketemuan sama anak ITB, Rony, sambil makan deh..

Setelah itu, kita pun nonton (ya iyalah..)

Dan filmny..BAGUS!!

Yah..mungkin emang agak membosankan (mungkin karena film dokumenter dan gw emang orangnya agak bosenan). Tapi overall bagus kok, kita jadi bisa ngerti tentang hidup para hewan2..kita disuguhkan sisi lain dari hewan2 itu, bahkan mungkin di film ini lo akan liat hewan yang belum pernah liat sebelumnya dengan segala tingkah unik mereka. Bagus deh pokoknya. Apalagi yah..pengambilan gambarnya. Beuh..bagussss deh pokoknya.

Dan diakhir cerita kita dikasih pesan untuk terus menjaga bumi kita (teuteup)..

Hwah..pokoknya senanglah gw nontonya.

Sekalian katarsis,bow..huehe..